Parafoudre 4 pôles Ex9UE type 2, 440 VAC, 20 kA sans signalisation
•Les Atouts de l'article:
The Ex9UE2 line is a group of Class II Surge Protective Devices. They are intended as a protection againsttransient overvoltage caused by fast switching operations or indirect hits of lightning strokes (residuumeffects).It is recommended to install Class II SPDs every 10 – 20 meters of cable length repetitively, typically to mainand sub distribution boards. The Ex9UE2 20 440 are designed for direct coordination with Class I SPDs ofline Ex9UE1 35. In case of Ex9UE2 20 275, the coordination with the line Ex9UE1 35 is done by means of10 m cable length.The design of Ex9UE2 is based on Metal Oxide Varistors. Such design provides very low response time. Themodular design with plug in inserts allows simple and quick replacement of function modules in case of MOVis beyond if its lifespan due to often occurrence of overvoltage peaks.
•Les Atouts de l'article:
The Ex9UE2 line is a group of Class II Surge Protective Devices. They are intended as a protection againsttransient overvoltage caused by fast switching operations or indirect hits of lightning strokes (residuumeffects).It is recommended to install Class II SPDs every 10 – 20 meters of cable length repetitively, typically to mainand sub distribution boards. The Ex9UE2 20 440 are designed for direct coordination with Class I SPDs ofline Ex9UE1 35. In case of Ex9UE2 20 275, the coordination with the line Ex9UE1 35 is done by means of10 m cable length.The design of Ex9UE2 is based on Metal Oxide Varistors. Such design provides very low response time. Themodular design with plug in inserts allows simple and quick replacement of function modules in case of MOVis beyond if its lifespan due to often occurrence of overvoltage peaks.