Minuteur digital Ex9TAMQ2 2 contacts NO 230 V programme journalier et hebdo
•Les Atouts de l'article:
Installation Analogue Time Switches Ex9TAM2 are suitable for residential and industrial applications. Theywill find their use everywhere where it is needed to save energy costs and to switch the circuit in regular dailycycles. Shortest switching time is 15 minutes.Time switches are offered in 1-modules width version with Quartz or grid synchrounous time basis.
•Les Atouts de l'article:
Installation Analogue Time Switches Ex9TAM2 are suitable for residential and industrial applications. Theywill find their use everywhere where it is needed to save energy costs and to switch the circuit in regular dailycycles. Shortest switching time is 15 minutes.Time switches are offered in 1-modules width version with Quartz or grid synchrounous time basis.